Rumbling Hole – 21/07/2018

Rumbling Hole – 21/07/2018

Home Forums Log Book Rumbling Hole – 21/07/2018

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  • #6599

    Attending: Me, Mike S, Chris K
    Weather: Dry, very mild

    I first attempted this pothole on my 22nd birthday 9 years ago and not beem back since. That was an early caving trip for me and all I managed to do was get strug up in the first rebelay, ive not been back since and was determined to get this one ticked off the list.

    After the normal faf we arrived at the hole and chris took the riggimg lead with me behind, very soon I was at the dreaded rebelay and… passed with ease lol, I’d now gotten further than I had last time.

    The pitch really is awesome and looks and feels longer than it is, after another y hang and a deviation we were at the bottom and into fairly easy and varied passage, I should also mention at this point it definatly was not rumbling today.

    We soon arrived at the multiledge second pitch which follows a number of short drops and ledges down, there is an interesting obstacle involving a narrow traverse onto another y hang which I needed some direction to pass. First I tried walking through it (nope) then crawling (nope) and eventually found the right angle and was through, success nothing’s stopping me now.

    The rest of the pitch passed easily and so did the final pitch and I finally saw the bottom of this excellent pothole, Mike decided to wiggle in the sump for some reason and talked about the master cave. It was time for a beer.

    The way out was more fun, I took a bit longer than necessary at the narrow secton before sliding my way through easily, however the top of that pitch was fairly aweward and mike taught me a technique for padsing such a pitch head. I combined his hand jammer directions with my wiggling anyway possible to pass the pitch head.

    Eventually we made it back to daylight and we just had the entrance pitch to go, Chris went first then me then mike derigging. Little did I know the rebelay was about to have it’s revenge…

    After what felt like a long prussok I reached the rebalyed to find the loop wasnt there, Chris had managed to pull up the entire rebelay loop with his tacklebag leaving me stranded, after some swinging around trying to relase the loop from a knob of rock halfway up the entrance Chris came to the rescue and gave me the loop of escape and I got out quickly to the warm embrace of leck fell.

    Thanks for helping me get this one done guys, it’s an excellent trip and well worth seeing.

    The day was ended with my round in Woop Hall where the barman had a rant at me for paying by card… seriously why do we go there?


    EDIT: Mong spelling


    Good report Daz and well done on banishing a long standing demon. :yahoo:

    A couple of minor points.

    1. Chris Sharman not Kelly lol
    2. Both Chris and I didn’t get to sump – we were dry up to that point and didn’t fancy getting wet. :negative:


    Nice one Daz!


    Ahh I thought that was the sump :good:


    I thought we boycotted the whoop hall, well Don certainly has. I guess an entire club boycott is in order. Anyway’s well done for getting to the bottom.


    Fuck Whoop Hall. I’ve spent the past two years warning you guys off the place. Looks like it was justified. As if I had any doubts!

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