Membership of the BRCC is open to anyone over the age of 18 (preferably with some caving experience) who lives anywhere; the majority of our members are based in Northern England (Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria), and we frequent the Yorkshire Dales on a very regular basis.

We have information below for people that are new to the sport (novices) and those who are already active cavers. Further notes and information are also available below.

 Do we take novice cavers?

As we are a small club, we generally don’t have the equipment or time resources to train complete novice cavers from scratch. However, if you have some experience, or have not caved in a while and want to get back into caving then you are more than welcome to join. We do a range of trips  from easier and harder trips, all we ask is that you have some SRT knowledge and have your own basic caving kit (SRT kit and over suit etc). There is no need to have your own rope and rigging gear as we will provide all rope and rigging on club trips.

If you are a novice we suggest you take a look at the The British Caving Association’s  New To Caving website, it’s packed full of useful information and contacts.

 Active Cavers and joining benefits

Membership of the club is £6 (2025 rate). To become a member of the club you will need Public Liability Insurance; if you are a member of another club you may already have it and you just need to supply us with details of this. Otherwise there will be extra cost (reduced rates available for joining later in the year). Please see BCA Insurance and BCA Fees

The club has membership of the British Caving Association, for access to permits, insurance, publications etc.

We organise numerous trips to a wide variety of caves / potholes. From the easy to the hard to the downright obscure! We also occasionally visit mines.

Shared knowledge and experience of current members – many have been active for a good few years, some longer still (well in to double figures).

Exploration / digging is occasionally undertaken. Some members join in with digging-collectives and foreign expeditions.

We also have a forum for meets, club and other topics (part public, mostly for members only). It also contains; information and links on cave access in the UK, listings of club huts across the UK and what caves they are near and anything else of relevance. In more recent times a WhatsApp group was set up to organise meets etc.

A list of our libraries contents – including members-only-access to club newsletters, online surveys, rigging topos and various other digitised documents.

 Notes and Information

To request joining please fill in our online membership form.

If you’re into this kind of thing then please view the Constitution. This contains simple rules about the club and its running.

If you want any information on caving or want to know something about the club – please check out our information page which provides a brief overview of us, also the Help/FAQ page where you will find a number of frequently asked questions on caving and the club.

Not sure if you have enough experience but still want to join the club? Then why not get in touch anyway and we can discuss options.