Black Rose Caving Club Forums Log Book Eastern Front – St Georges Day 2016

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  • #3430

    Fooked lol :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


    Good report that hehe


    Maybe we should introduce an annual prize for best trip report.


    My trip report goes something like this (mostly copied from my post on UKC).

    I was going to the Eastern front from Low Duke with Don and Mike but I decided to leave them for my own trip and headed off through the temple of doom and beyond as neither fancied a visit. (I had done the Eastern front a few times now).

    After lots and lots of crawling and a bit of gingerly sliding pass some massive, loose looking boulders, I passed and a couple of easy ducks and two squeezes which took me to the end of the NFTFH description. Shortly afterwards at the end of the short bit of walking passage was the first duck. This was quite tight and hard to move in as the mud gave no purchase but was enough head room to breath. The second more of a constricted mud grovel than a duck, I found I could bypass by a climb but I did not know on the way in so was really worried about reversing it. The third seemed to have no end and was getting lower and muddier and I lost my bottle in the end knowing what I came through. It looked passable, as far as I could tell, but I did not want to go down a waterlogged, mud filled passage which is difficult to reverse without knowing how long it was. I also heard it was blocked. I prob only went forward about 10m or so to a corner where the passage looked smaller beyond but not ‘blocked’. Survey don’t really make much sense to me, it don’t actually seem connected. I am told the dig is not much longer than 15m so it may be worth re-visiting it, or trying it from Ireby end (been told I am welcome to use in-situ ropes).

    I then reversed everything and met up with Don and Mike on the other-side of the Mousehole and headed out with them, well until I got cold and decided to make my own way out. Not sure on what Don and Mike were doing I think they were having a picnic in Low duke, sorry for not being sociable day light was calling me.


    I’ve always fancied the Large Pot NFTFH trip to the Temple of Doom. I don’t imagine you’ll ever want to do that now.


    Here’s my trip report for Saturday:

    Don Mike Alex, Don Mike, Mike Don, Don Mike, Mike Don, Don Don Don, Mike Mike Mike, Don Don Don, Mike Mike Mike, Don Mike, Mike Don, Don Don Mike, Mike Mike Don, Alex Don Mike, Mike Don, Don Mike


    May try it from Ireby fell at some point, there was a strong draft and looked passable. Ireby is also rigged and I have permission to use the ropes.

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