Black Rose Caving Club Forums Log Book Swinst(yes)o Hole – 31/01/2015

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Don.
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  • #808

    Trip Members Present: Don

    Having failed to negotiate the first squeeze in Trapdoor Pot since I’m too masculine – for anyone interested the squeeze is 8 inches wide at its widest spot – I opted instead to head back down the hill to the car and drove over to West Kingsdale to try and regain some of my lost manhood by doing a solo trip through Swinsto. I found the entrance very easily as I’d just been to Swinsto the week before. The water levels this time, however, were significantly lower. There’s not much to report really. As I was on my own the trip actually went by very quickly. The only issues I had were on the fifth pitch and the final pitch, where the rope got stuck for a bit when I was pulling it down. Kingsdale itself was very quiet. I didn’t see a single car the entire time I was getting changed on my way in or my way out.

    The end.

    Total time underground: 2 hours, 15 minutes


    Does the triptime include time spent in Trapdoor?


    Hardy har har. No, it doesn’t.

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